Mi Casa Es Su Casa; Maker’s Moments with Studio Su Casa

Mi Casa Es Su Casa; Maker’s Moments with Studio Su Casa

As part of our new Maker’s Moments and Memoirs blog series, we caught up with Taylor Long, of Studio Su Casa , to discuss their beautiful brand, luxury products and the story behind their success.

The Brand

Studio Su Casa is a sustainable British brand born of the familiar idiom ‘Mi casa es su casa’ or ‘my home is your home’. But this is more than just a phrase to them, it’s a feeling, a sincere invitation, the sacred sharing of a safe space; this is the foundation that Studio Su Casa was built on. Their brand reflects this mantra of welcoming beautifully and it’s a feeling that is conjured time and again through their products.

After working as a buyer in fragrance, beauty and fast fashion industries, Taylor set out to create a brand that celebrated the small artisan in a world of fast-moving consumer goods and conglomerate brands. And so, Studio Su Casa came to life; a sanctuary that values the individual, the craftsmanship and the experience that the fast fashion industry so often steamrolls.

In Taylor’s words, ‘Su Casa is a place to make memories and enjoy the company of loved ones.’

- What are your most important brand values?

“We believe in conserving true craftsmanship for the future. By working to support the artisan and their craft, we aim to preserve their talent by helping them to build sustainable businesses.

Community is also at the heart of everything we do, whether it be the locality of an artisan from overseas or an independent British creative. We invest in the craftsperson and the communities that they call home.

We know that great things take time, they evolve and grow naturally. We understand that and we plan to do the same. Quality that withstands the test of time, unparalleled techniques, passed down through generations are impossible to replicate by mass produced production lines. 

Quality products are made by real people with real stories, which we intend to tell.”


- Tell us about your products

“We are proud to offer timeless, authentic pieces which will make your house a home and have a place in su casa forever. We love handcrafted, perfectly imperfect products with meaning and a traceable, unique history that can become part of our customers’ story too.

We specialise in large container candles but we also offer a diverse range of beautiful, exclusive homewares as well.

Our best selling product has to be the Tortoise and Dalmatian Container Candles; I just can’t get enough of London Luxury Candle Supplies’ Flecked Large Vogue Jars - they’re BEAUTIFUL!”


- What advice do you have for newbies just starting out?

“Candle testing is key and that takes a lot of patience but also...just get started! My business lived purely in my head and in plans for years. Learning as you go is part of the fun so don't put it off, start that brand and figure it out as you go along!”


- What would you say helped you elevate your brand to the next level?

"A business coach! I always thought I was 'too busy’ to talk to anyone and get help, but one hour a week with my business coach helped me prioritise and maximise productivity on a whole new level. Sometimes it’s as simple as needing an outsider’s point of view to help you cut through the noise of running a small business and help you make efficient action plans. That is something that has been a really valuable experience for me, and a learning curve that has definitely helped Studio Su Casa reach new heights.”


Share Your Story

Thank you so much to Taylor for taking the time to share her story and her experiences with us. You can browse Studio Su Casa’s beautiful collection here , and don’t forget to follow them on socials too at @studiosucasa!

Are you a maker with a story to tell? Tell us all about your brand and the unique products you’ve created by filling in the form on our website (https://www.luxurycandlesupplies.co.uk/test-makers-and-memoirs-blog) - and it may be your business featured here next!

 … Or Start Your Own

Feeling inspired? Why not start your maker’s journey today and take the plunge like Taylor did? We offer a wide range of products and services designed to make it easy for you to start making, selling and succeeding!

In need of a little guidance? Check out our recent blog Taking it from the Top: Starting a Candle Business’ for helpful tips on where to begin.